To our valued customers


Over the last few years we have continued to grow our exports of Ontario Corn to the European Union (EU) because we have a competitive advantage over the USA.  With the question marks in the ethanol industry and what their demand looks like ,  our exports out of Ontario could become very important to our corn market.  Because of this we have to make sure we are growing varieties that are approved by the EU for feed and food use.  As new technology comes out there can be a lag between when they are approved for planting in Canada and approved for use in the EU.  Ontario Agri Business Association (OABA) and Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) have developed a joint statement regarding the marketing of corn from hybrids that have not received approval for food and feed use in the European Union. Their release can be found here.


Here at Hensall Co-op we support the development of new genetics and support the seed companies bringing out those genetics.  We also have to make sure we comply with what our end user market want.  Hensall Co-op can not accept non approved varieties and that has been our position in the past as well.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to your Hensall Co-op locations

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